Adverse event resources

This year has got off to a rough start for the primary sector, with extreme weather in many parts of the country and four more confirmed cases of M.bovis. B+LNZ, along with other organisations, has a number of resources to help farmers as they deal with these adverse events.

Weather-wise, 2018 has got off to a tumultuous start. Floods, droughts, severe gales and lightning strikes have affected many parts of the country.

Mycoplasma bovis has also been detected on three more South Island farms, bringing the total number of infected properties nationwide to 21. The Ministry for Primary Industries is carrying out extensive testing in an effort to contain and eradicate this disease.

There are a number of support channels and resources available to farmers affected by weather, biosecurity breaches and other adverse events and we encourage you to make use of them. Many have been designed to help you make informed decisions while others contain management advice and strategies from farmers and industry experts.



Mycoplasma bovis