B+LNZ provides trusted information about our sector and our farming businesses, and a range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions.
B+LNZ works to ensure our farmers receive increased value from our sustainable farming systems and natural grass-fed beef and lamb – we identify and create market opportunities, work to dismantle trade barriers and grow consumer preference for NZ beef and lamb.
B+LNZ works in areas that farmers can't individually, such as having a voice with government policymakers. We advocate for and tangibly influence policy development.
B+LNZ Genetics was established in 2014 to consolidate New Zealand’s sheep and beef genetics research and innovation into a single entity within B+LNZ. Find out more about how we help commercial farmers make the most profitable breeding decisions for their particular farm management system.
B+LNZ invests in research on behalf of farmers. Research projects are prioritised and evaluated for relevance to the sector based on priorities derived from various sources including the UMR surveys, farmer councils and the Farmer Research Advisory Group (FRAG) ensuring alignment with the B+LNZ Strategy.