B+LNZ tracks consumer insights, markets and trends, looking ahead to potential opportunities.
Consumer info

Market innovation and seizing opportunities
Making sure that our farmers are getting the best value they can for their beef and lamb is not just about maintaining the status quo in our current markets – it’s also about using market innovation to carve out new ‘slices of the pie’. We want to enable innovation that is transformational to the New Zealand red meat sector in terms of profitability, sustainability, and confidence.

Market insight and consumer research
In a global context the New Zealand beef and lamb sector is unique, we have an export profile like no other (more than 90 per cent of our sheepmeat and beef goes overseas), we are niche producers (we can only feed 30 million people) and our production is based on natural farming systems.

Alternative proteins report
B+LNZ released an extensive report on alternative proteins and its implications for the red meat sector.