Keep up-to-date with industry inputs and trends to build a complete picture of your farm and our sector.
Farm data and industry production

Sheep & beef farm survey
Find out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past.

Benchmark your farm
Find out what the key performance indicators are for farm classes in your region and see how you compare.

Price trend graphs
Here you'll find more than 10 years of farmgate data showing the average and annual monthly prices for YM lamb, all-grades lamb, mutton, steer, heifer, cow and bull meat – as well as the annual dairy milk solids payout, and price estimates for the year ahead.

Industry production trends
Access weekly, monthly and annual slaughter statistics for export-inspected New Zealand beef, lamb and mutton, livestock numbers for the past 10 years, and estimates for the year ahead.

Farm classes
This page explains the farm class system we use to categorise farm types in our economic reports – and how understanding your farm class can help you to benchmark your farm.