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Displaying 101 - 110 results of 175
  • B+LNZ’s Economic Service comment on December 2021 red meat exports …
    image of meat packing
  • Future-proofing hill country farming …
    Jacqui and Dan Cottrell
  • … your constitution, the New Zealand Companies Office has designed the Constitution Builder, a ‘do-it-yourself’ online tool for writing or revising your society’s rules. Get started . … Catchment Groups Map … About the Catchment Community …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Farming Excellence Strategy supports the organisation’s vision of ‘Profitable farmers, thriving farming communities, valued by all New Zealanders’. … B+LNZ's recently refreshed Farm Excellence Strategy will be used to inform the design of the organisation’s Farming Excellence tools, resources and programmes. This Strategy, which is based on six inter-connected programmes with a process of continual feedback, ensures information, tools and resources are making a …
  • … to assist that use and access.   4.2 You agree that we may use Data inputted by you for the purposes of providing farm benchmarking and supporting services on the Knowledge Hub and you agree that we may disclose Data in aggregate form on the Knowledge Hub for the purpose of providing farm benchmarking and supporting services. 5. Intellectual Property 5.1 Nothing in these terms grants you any right, title or …
  • … adapt it to the various soil and climatic conditions. … Background The use of catch crops is recognised as a potential tool to help reduce farmers’ nitrate leaching losses but without good guidelines, the successful adoption of such … of catch crops into winter forage rotations can be both a practical and an economically viable farm management tool to help reduce nitrogen loss from winter forage grazing systems. Timely sowing (as early as possible) with the … “ Catch the Flow ”  Catch Crops interview on RNZ , listen in at 1.54' B+LNZ “Catch crops prove a valuable environmental tool” Part 1 Part 2 Scientific publications and conference proceedings FLRC Conference, “ New tillage technology to …
  • Rebuilding continues one-year on from Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle …
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    … from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment in collaboration with Environment Canterbury, which provides a tool to visualise a range of grubbing strategies. The app deploys a population model, built using data from farms in North …
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    The more you know about how worms live and breed, the easier it is to mitigate the harm they cause. Here we look at the stages of the worm life cycle – there are ways our management can interrupt this cycle to reduce worm challenge to susceptible stock.  … Animals eat worm larvae with pasture. Larvae like to live close to the base of the pasture, in moisture and away from sunlight. After a larva is eaten, its takes about 21 days to become an adult worm that can lay eggs and continue the cycle. …
  • Preparing for flystrike this summer …
    image of sheep flock