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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 44
  • Resource book
    Wormwise Resource Book …
  • Resource book
    Wormwise for Goats …
  • Factsheet
    Wormwise for Dairy …
  • Video
    Wormwise pre-lambing advice …
    Wormwise Pre-lambing Advice
  • … Ginny Dodunski appointed manager of Wormwise programme …
    Ginny Dodunski
  • Learning module
    Wormwise: managing sheep and worms …
  • Wormwise does not contain recipes or programmes for drench use. These should be developed once you understand your farm’s … on the farm system and nutrition first – drench should not be the main means of managing worm challenge. … The B+LNZ Wormwise programme provides farmers with the latest knowledge and techniques to manage worms effectively and sustainably and minimise drench resistance issues. It also aims to lift productivity and the welfare of livestock. … Wormwise was formed in 2005 and is solely funded by B+LNZ. We work in partnership with DairyNZ, DINZ, MPI, Animal and …
  • Resource book
    … B+LNZ and Wormwise 2024 Parasite Management Calendar …
  • … Tailored B+LNZ Wormwise workshops driven by farmer feedback …
    image of workshop participants
  • … The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail.  Resources for farmers Wormwise handbook  (PDF, 4.3MB) – or request a printed copy Request a Wormwise workshop in your area:  Contact your B+LNZ extension manager Podcast with Dr Dave Leathwick : covering good …