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Displaying 321 - 330 results of 389
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    To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has rolled out the Forage Cropping module of the B+LNZ Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise environmental impacts. It will also help provide proof to the Government that farmers do not need further regulations to protect their natural resources and livestock. … To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has fast tracked the roll out of …
  • Find out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past. Farm management performance indicators are summarised by farm, hectare, stock unit, region, and farm class. They include balance sheet analysis. For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and beef farm data including the latest forecast. For quintile analysis, go to  Benchmark your farm . To benchmark the profitability of your own farm, try BLNZ’s …
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    Part of being a good employer is to ensure your staff have continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep Beef Deer Career Pathway – Primary ITO (PDF, 136 KB) FarmSmart 2017: Melonie Sheppard – getting the most from your staff DairyNZ useful resources on bringing new staff aboard: Farm accommodation Farm policies, …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating plant and machinery on the farm. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. Operator must have sufficient weight, limb size, skill and judgement to control the equipment being used. What equipment do you need? Personal Protective Equipment is to be worn as required by equipment operator instructions First aid kit General Procedure When …
  • Info on how our annual meeting process works … B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.   … Annual meeting  B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.    2024 meeting documentation  Voting pack documents:  Chair’s letter 2024 (PDF, 40KB) B+LNZ Company resolution explanatory notes 2024 (includes …
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    The more you know about how worms live and breed, the easier it is to mitigate the harm they cause. Here we look at the stages of the worm life cycle – there are ways our management can interrupt this cycle to reduce worm challenge to susceptible stock.  … Animals eat worm larvae with pasture. Larvae like to live close to the base of the pasture, in moisture and away from sunlight. After a larva is eaten, its takes about 21 days to become an adult worm that can lay eggs and continue the cycle. …
  • B+LNZ is representing sheep and beef farmers’ interests in the Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms process. … The Government is proposing to replace the RMA with new environmental management laws. Submissions on the exposure draft legislation were sought as part of the select committee process. Because what was released was so detailed and complex, and the submission period was short, B+LNZ made a submission on behalf of sheep and beef farmers. While we support the need for reforming the RMA …
  • Every six years, farmers vote on whether they want B+LNZ to continue to exist, funded by compulsory levies on sheepmeat and beef (including dairy-beef). … Referendums are held as required under the Commodity Levies Act 1990.   The next referendum must be held no later than the 2027 year with the current Commodities Levies Meat Order 2021 expiring in December 2027.   All livestock farmers on B+LNZ’s electoral roll will be provided with information:  outlining the constitutional information, …
  • Training our people is a high priority for us and as well as our own initiatives, we work in collaboration with other sector organisations to attract, train and retain the talent we need to drive our sector forward.  … Learn about opportunities for on-farm training or leadership programmes B+LNZ supports below.  … Training our …
  • B+LNZ’s Taste Pure Nature origin brand is live in the US and China with a digital media campaign to introduce our target market – the “Conscious Foodies” to the provenance of New Zealand beef and lamb. … Our Taste Pure Nature origin brand will be used as a global brand platform to underpin exporters’ marketing programmes and enhance the positioning of New Zealand red meat. It has been developed in partnership with meat processors and farmers. Eventually, Taste Pure Nature brand assets will be …