Northland Regional Plan

Northland Regional Council is currently working on a new Regional Plan as required under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) 2020. This Regional Plan will introduce new ways to manage land and waterways which will have an impact on your farming business. 

Between December 2023 and March 2024 the Council consulted on a draft Regional Plan. B+LNZ provided feedback as we were concerned about the direction the Council was going regarding stock exclusion from waterways and highly erodible land. 

If you would like to read our feedback, download our submission (PDF, 746 KB). 

Next steps

The coalition Government has announced it will be replacing the NPS-FM 2020 and in the meantime has granted an extension for regional councils to notify their updated Regional Plans. The original deadline of 31 December 2024 has been extended to the end of 2027. 

Northland Regional Council says it will be delaying processes until the new NPS-FM is released to allow for additional time to review community feedback and work with tāngata whenua and the primary sector. 

If you would like to learn more, see the Council webpage.

We will also look to keep farmers updated.