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Displaying 911 - 920 results of 981
  • … We’re helping facilitate the development of rural leaders within the broader food and fibre sector, both through our internal initiatives and collaborative efforts with external partners. A key focus is empowering hands-on farmers to acquire technical …
  • … B+LNZ runs its own high-profile awards that celebrate the people, innovation, technologies and management systems that make New Zealand’s grass-based red meat industry world-leading. We are also involved in other important and prestigious awards that celebrate the best of our sector.  … Awards …
  • … B+LNZ invests in research on behalf of farmers. Research projects are prioritised and evaluated for relevance to the sector based on priorities derived from various sources including the UMR surveys, farmer councils and the Farmer Research Advisory Group (FRAG) ensuring alignment with the B+LNZ Strategy. … Our research …
  • … Mixed Livestock programme across 20 farms throughout the North Island; with funding support from B+LNZ, Te Puni Kokiri and the Ministry for Primary Industries. … About the programme The programme was born out of a seven-year economic … lift in productivity of 26%, despite the programme spanning a drought. What is our role? B+LNZ provides information and tools for the programme while FOMA manages the process of bringing all the various elements together. A key component of the programme is developing skills and knowledge in both the farm and governance teams that oversee these farms.  The system is based on farm management …
  • … covering topics of national interest to farmers such as Essential Freshwater Policy, the Emission’s Trading Scheme and an update on Taste Pure Nature, which have proven very popular and will continue in the long-term. We want to hear from you Are there any specific topics you would like to hear about as part of our National Webinar Series? Let us know via the button below with your suggested topics and keep an eye on our Events Calendar for the next update as part of this series.  SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK AND WEBINAR …
  • … Calling all farmers! Register on the Beef + Lamb New Zealand electoral roll and have your say on the big issues affecting our industry. … As the industry organisation representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef producers, we invest farmer levies to help grow the industry today and for future generations. Why register? To make the best decisions on behalf of New Zealand farmers, we need to know …
  • … B+LNZ tracks consumer insights, markets and trends, looking ahead to potential opportunities.  … Consumer info …
  • … Find out how we're working to improve access for sheep and beef products to overseas markets. … Trade …
  • … B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. … We invest your levies in programmes designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance. Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the …
  • … Each year up to five scholarships are awarded to bold, curious, innovative, perceptive and community-minded individuals from backgrounds ranging from farming, industry bodies, catchment groups, agricultural research, food and fibre innovations hubs. … The Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholarship is one of the most valued awards in New … with a global focus. It is designed to fast-track the professional development of talented people from across our Food and Fibre Sector. Each year up to five scholarships are awarded to bold, curious, innovative, perceptive and