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Displaying 901 - 910 results of 920
  • … Training our people is a high priority for us and as well as our own initiatives, we work in collaboration with other sector organisations to attract, train and retain the talent we need to drive our sector forward.  … Learn about opportunities for on-farm training or leadership …
  • … We work with industry groups and government agencies to help develop robust biosecurity policy, systems and standards. … Biosecurity …
  • … Find specific information on New Zealand red meat cuts and the nutritional qualities of beef and lamb.  … Producer info …
  • … Information on the consultation This story sets out what was proposed, how we informed farmers and helped them have their say through a joint B+LNZ/Federated Farmers/Deer Industry New Zealand survey, and our advice to famers on making their own consultation submissions. Farmers encouraged to make submissions on the low … submission B+LNZ provided a consultation submission on behalf of our farmers. We worked with Federated Farmers and Deer Industry New Zealand on this. Find the joint submission here (PDF, 511 KB). Next steps MfE will report back on …
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    … from your staff DairyNZ useful resources on bringing new staff aboard: Farm accommodation Farm policies, procedures and rules Employment engagement … Bringing new staff on board …
  • … The lifecycle of most gut worms is the same – understanding this helps with decision-making around grazing and drenching. Understanding the patterns of what worm species predominate where, when and in which stock classes can also help you manage worms on your farm. … Worms 101 …
  • … Here you can find the most current B+LNZ Strategy. … The latest B+LNZ Strategy outlines our vision and how we'll get there through our work across key priority areas. It sets out the activities B+LNZ will invest in on behalf of red meat producers. The strategy is updated every five years and involves extensive consultation across the sector.  … B+LNZ Strategy 2021 – 2026 …
  • … Young Farmer of the Year Competition stands as the premier event for NZ Young Farmers, showcasing the remarkable skill and knowledge of young people within the food and fibre sector. … Since 1969, the Contest has brought together competitors, industry members, and dedicated volunteers to celebrate the future of the industry. AgriKids Every year, B+LNZ supports the primary school …
  • … Read the latest update on activities being undertaken by Beef + Lamb New Zealand and the Meat Industry Association, and our perspectives on policy and industry developments. The report goes to Government officials and Members of Parliament, other industry stakeholders …
  • …   Estimated number of commercial sheep and beef farms in each class: number Sheep and beef farm survey 2019-20 farm class Estimated farms 1  South Island High country    200 2  South Island Hill country   …