Animal health management

Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below.

Recommended practices


  • Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business.
  • Consider buying stock on the basis of a high breeding value for disease resistance where this is available.
  • Check the animal health details of incoming animals and isolate and treat those animals if their health status is lower than existing animals.
  • Regularly worm farm dogs and prevent the access of other dogs onto the property – dogs can spread disease to your stock.


  • Regularly inspect your animals and know the signs of disease to ensure problems are detected early.
  • Seek early advice from a veterinarian in relation to any unusual signs, sickness or death or where a large number of animals are affected. Isolate and treat animals appropriately for the specific infection they are suffering from—including animals in the mob that do not yet show signs if this is recommended.
  • Always follow veterinary or label advice when using veterinary medicines or other agricompounds and ensure that you observe withholding periods. Using inappropriate drugs will fail to kill the pest and not finishing courses of drugs can lead to drug resistance.
  • Ensure that you use clean needles or syringes when vaccinating, and that you follow the advice of your veterinarian with regards to good management practice when vaccinating or drenching animals. Certain diseases can be spread from animal to animal through the use of contaminated needles or equipment.
  • Maintain thorough records of animal health activities and treatments—preferably for each animal but at least to the mob level.

Specific diseases and issues