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    … that can help provide you with support. … Factsheets for preparing for a flood, recovering from a flood and health & safety post-flood Developed in response to previous flood events, these three factsheets – Preparing for a Flood, Recovering from a Flood, and Health and Safety Post-Flood – are guidelines to help farmers prepare for rain events and deal with both the immediate and long-term … around each. This factsheet includes a decision tree and a detailed guide for re-grassing sediment. The Health and Safety Post-Flood outlines farmers’ responsibilities when dealing with a volunteer workforce, covers-off the regulatory …
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    Part of being a good employer is to ensure your staff have continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep. beef, deer career pathway – Primary ITO (PDF, 136 KB) Safe Work Procedures FarmSmart 2017: Melonie Sheppard – getting the most from your staff Checklist for farmer employers (PDF, 328 KB) DairyNZ useful resources on …
  • … , the Agrication website , and the cross-promotion of resources and events. Think Safe Brain Campaign The health and safety of everyone on your farm is important. The ‘Think Safe Brain’ Campaign is for rural schools around New Zealand where whole communities celebrate everything rural while teaching critical practical lessons about health, safety and wellbeing. B+LNZ is proud to support this campaign through annual sponsorship.  Massey University B+LNZ is a …
  • Rebuilding continues one-year on from Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle …
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    You’ll have heard the mantra ‘95% of worms on your farm are on pasture’. Learn about the drivers of worm challenge on your pastures so you can reduce worm intake by susceptible stock.  … Where do the larvae live?  The vast majority of your total worm population (85 to 95%!) lives on pasture – as L3 larvae. The rest are: In the soil – a few larvae and eggs. In dung pats – eggs and developing larvae. Inside your animals – as juvenile worms, adults and eggs. Think of your farm as a worm iceberg. …
  • Northland Regional Council is currently working on a new Regional Plan as required under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) 2020. This Regional Plan will introduce new ways to manage land and waterways which will have an impact on your farming business.  Between December 2023 and March 2024 the Council consulted on a draft Regional Plan. B+LNZ provided feedback as we were concerned about the direction the Council was going regarding stock exclusion from waterways …
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    … look into.  A guide to feed planning  (3MB) – after the snow you might need to look at your feed planning. Health and Safety of volunteers working on farms as part of response and recovery (1.7MB) – if you have volunteers coming onto your property for snow raking or clean up. Please consider health and safety. Do your stock need access to grazing? If you need emergency feed, generators, large capacity water pumps, help …
  • B+LNZ collaborates with various partners to raise awareness about careers in the sheep and beef industry. We also strive to ensure that schools have the necessary resources and support to integrate sheep and beef case studies and information into their educational programmes. … Our focus is attracting students who are making career decisions, generally those in Years 12 and 13, and the people who influence their decisions like teachers and guidance counsellors.  … In …
  • … with practical guidance on taking care of your people and farm business. … Workshops we currently offer … Farm Safety Management System This workshop provides you with a Farm Safety Management System. This gives you a process for identifying and managing hazards and risks and 90% of your …
  • B+LNZ's Insights team publishes a range of detailed reports and information each year covering national data, analysis and forecasts for farmers in the sheep and beef sectors. … Our reports are updated mid-season, and we estimate the projected lamb crop every November. Our Economic Service team also provides reports on specific subjects related to the sheep and beef sector, including annual cost movement reports and stock number reporting. If you’d like to receive these reports on a regular …