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Displaying 151 - 160 results of 265
  • … … Forming or joining an Action Group is a great way for farmers to put their ideas into action, make positive changes on farm and improve their business’ productivity and profitability. … Note: this programme is currently under review. Please … of this small group learning approach. A comprehensive evaluation of the action group programmes is in progress, and a report is scheduled for release in early 2024. This report will highlight essential findings from the overarching program …
  • Emissions pricing consultation update …
  • Kellogg programme inspires leadership journey …
    Nick Jolly
  • Spreading the word about our low carbon footprint …
  • … Information on the Government’s ETS consultations …
    trees on farm
  • Farmer advisory group explores sheep research …
    image of Frag field day at Rotorua
  • This is an interactive tool that lets you analyse New Zealand’s meat exports: by meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and volumes of beef exported globally by region. … Average value of New Zealand beef exports by region for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Average value of New Zealand beef exports by region for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Volumes of New Zealand beef exports by …
  • B+LNZ CEO joins business delegation to US …
    image of Sam McIvor
  • B+LNZ welcomes the suspension of Significant Natural Areas requirement …
    image of mixed plantings on farm and sheep
  • … and pork. Materials – wool compared with cotton. Grains – soy, wheat and corn as crops for both human and animal feed. Farm inputs – phosphate, urea and crude oil as key inputs in fertiliser and fuel use. … International red meat indicators …