The focus was on practical and workable solutions to issues at B+LNZ’s annual meeting, held today in Nelson.

Around 120 attendees took part in the day and with 12 percent of farmers voting on the remits and resolutions.
This morning, attendees visited the future-focused Moutere Downs sheep and beef operation to see research findings applied on the ground.
In the afternoon, the formal annual meeting took place, where farmer-proposed remits were explored in more detail before results were confirmed following the meeting, as were the details of farmer voting on company resolutions including director fees.
Field trip to Moutere Downs
Attendees visited the Moore family’s sheep and beef operation 40km out of Nelson and got updates on B+LNZ’s research underway to address animal health challenges such as facial eczema and internal parasites, and its investment in genetics.
The day was filled with positive discussions around solutions to improve farmer productivity and profitability, with an update around some changes in the B+LNZ extension space that will help address these issues.
Attendees were also given an inside look at the nProve genetic selection tool and heard firsthand how it has successfully been used on farm.
Additionally, two local Beef + Lamb New Zealand Award winners – Repost Ltd and Pearl Veal – talked about what their awards meant to their businesses and the importance of the B+LNZ awards in celebrating the achievements of the sheep and beef sector.
There was also a good discussion amongst farmers around how important it is for farmers to be there for each other and share their experiences during these tough times. B+LNZ Chair Kate Acland said it is more important than ever to celebrate where the sector is doing well and work together and support each other where times are tougher.
The farm visit ended with an opportunity to hear more about how the Moore family have successfully used genetics as part of their parasite management as well as hearing some key insights into the struggles many farmers have had with facial eczema and what has worked for them in tackling this challenge.
Attendees also got a chance to look at the new forage, Raphnobrassica which is revolutionising Moores’ lamb finishing operation.
“The farm visit is always a highlight of the annual meeting. It’s so important to get on-farm to talk about on-farm solutions. The practical focus helped set the scene for constructive discussion at the annual meeting later in the day.”
Remit results
At the annual meeting, the five remit proposers talked to their proposals, followed by a frank and productive discussion.
Following the annual meeting (at which final in-person votes were received) the results of the remits have been finalised.
Two farmer proposals were supported and passed, one was narrowly supported (50.65% for, 49.35% against). The other two farmer proposals were not supported.
Acland said the Board will discuss these results, and feedback received at the annual meeting, at their next Board meeting in early April. She noted that the Board’s current positions largely align with the remits that were supported, but that the Board will consider whether any further action is required.
Acland thanked the remit proposers and those that attended the meeting for their strong ongoing interest and engagement with B+LNZ.
Resolutions – including director fees
The results of two company resolutions, to increase directors’ fees and to reappoint KPMG as auditor are also now finalised.
The first resolution on director fees was not supported. Farmer support was required for the proposal to proceed, so the fees will not be increased this year.
“We respect this result. We recognise it’s extremely tough on farm at the moment and believe this has been reflected in the voting outcome,” Acland said.
“However, the fact remains that B+LNZ’s director fees are well below industry benchmarks. While the result shows there are some farmers who would be comfortable with this being addressed now, that’s not the case for the majority so we’ll pick this up again when the time is right.”
The second resolution on the appointment of the auditor was supported.
Other annual meeting information
The voter turnout represented 12 percent of registered sheep, beef and dairy farmers.
“We are hugely disappointed with the low turnout. We appreciate it’s an incredibly busy time on farm and farmers are facing significant challenges, particularly around profitability. However, it’s important that farmers have their say on the running of their levy-funded organisation,” Acland said.
The results of the Northern North Island farmer director election were announced on 14 March, with Te Pahu farmer and current B+LNZ Mid-Northern North Island Farmer Council Chair Phil Weir being elected. At the annual meeting, retiring director Martin Coup was thanked for his outstanding contribution to the sector.
The meeting was livestreamed for those who couldn’t attend in person and recordings from the day will be available on the B+LNZ website in the coming days.
For media queries please email or call 027 235 9806.
Below are the full results of voting on the farmer resolutions and remits.