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Displaying 101 - 106 results of 106
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    … Dairy NZ’s managing stressed people webpage Dairy farming DairyNZ’s heavy snow webpage  – covers immediate actions, next priorities, feed planning and stock health. Dairy NZ’s dealing with snow in early lactation webpage Dairy NZ’s …
  • Smartworm® App trial yields promising results …
    drenching ewes
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    … to high In these cases you need to consider all your management information alongside the FEC data, to decide the next step. Depending on this, you may elect not to treat, to treat a proportion of the mob, or not treat at all. Total …
  • … people surveyed and who had viewed the resources planned to review or change their parasite management practices in the next 12 months. Engaging with the resources appeared to increase farmer confidence. Benefit for farmers The benefits for …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is working to raise awareness of the issue of wholesale land use change from sheep and beef farming to carbon farming that is incentivised by the Government. … This page sets out our position and there’s a list of our media releases at the bottom. Our position is clear – we are not anti-forestry.  A lot of farmers are looking to integrate trees on farms and that’s a good thing. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and it’s good for the climate and the environment to plant some …
  • Ballance Science & Research Award winner:   Low Methane Sheep Genetics Programme Finalists: • AgResearch Life Cycle Assessment Team • Forage Trials Willesden … Datamars Livestock Technology Award winner:   Silver Farm Farms/Lynker Net Carbon Zero Mapping Tool Finalists: • Bidr Ltd   • Cloud Yards Ltd  … Gallagher Innovative Farming Award winner:   Repost Ltd. Finalists: •   Reata Ltd •   Wharetoa Genetics … Silver Fern farms Market Leader Award:   Pearl Veal Finalists: • Ongaha •   Verry …