Cattle farming systems and worms

Learn about how different farm systems and policies set up different levels of risk – both for worm challenge, and for drench resistance. We also highlight some management ideas and risk mitigations.

Good nutrition is #1 

No matter what systems are in place on a farm, very good nutrition greatly reduces the risk of worms to stock. Conversely, farms where underfeeding is a feature, frequently have issues with worms. 

Resources for farmers on Mycoplasma bovis

Cattle system or policy

The tables below show you the risks, along with suggested mitigations, for worm challenge, and drench resistance in different farm systems.

Beef breeding with most calves sold at weaning

Beef breeding with 1Y cattle finishing on same feed platform

Finishing system purchasing cow-reared weaners

Finishing system purchasing 1Y+ animals

Finishing system purchasing 100kg dairy beef weaners