Collecting faecal samples

If you want the best information from your worm monitoring, make sure you collect fresh samples and store them correctly. Here’s a quick guide. 

It’s best to collect fresh samples by quietly moving the mob of animals to a corner and letting them stand for 5–10 minutes, and then collecting what has been dropped.  

If it’s not possible to hold a mob somewhere, just let them drift quietly away from you through a gateway or narrow area. Ideally collect ones you’ve actually seen pass out the back end of an animal.  

How much to collect from each animal? 

  • Ideal – 1 tablespoon.
  • Minimum – 1 teaspoon.

If the poos make steam in the container or bag, they are fresh! This is essential. If they’re not fresh, eggs in the samples may already have hatched. 

Hatching of eggs in moist faeces can occur within 2 hours after collection where the faeces are exposed to air and warm temperatures. Getting them into the fridge ASAP is important, and it’s better collect them into containers or bags that exclude air.   

You can also collect samples directly from the rectum of animals. Wear gloves, clean or wash your glove between each animal (especially important when collecting samples after drenching). Use lubricant to make the job easier on human and beast!