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Displaying 411 - 420 results of 476
  • Partnerships proving successful for Taste Pure Nature in the US …
    Image of Billboard
  • … B+LNZ has developed a range of handy tools to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and others with planning and business decisions.  … Lambing calculator  Compare your lambing percentage with other farms of your type, and …
  • Calling all farmers! Register on the Beef + Lamb New Zealand electoral roll and have your say on the big issues affecting our industry. … As the industry organisation representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef producers, we invest farmer levies to help grow the industry today and for future generations. Why register? To make the best decisions on behalf of New Zealand farmers, we need to know what you think. B+LNZ is your organisation. If you're on the electoral roll you can: vote in the …
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    … in less impact than heavier animals on the same area. Uncultivated buffers – in areas used for cropping or winter feed, leave an uncultivated, grassed buffer (at least 3m) beside waterways to slow run-off and help remove sediment. …
  • … is up to date. For all other livestock species use the electronic ASD (eASD) functionality provided by OSPRI. Do not feed uncooked food waste to pigs. Become familiar with the symptoms of foot and mouth disease and do not hesitate to …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working by yourself in a remote location. A remote location is defined as more than 30 minutes’ walk from a means of communication and/or assistance. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Wear Personal Protective Equipment that is appropriate to the task First aid kit Cell phone or 2-way radio (if communications can be …
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    Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where does excess sediment in our waterways come from? Sediment in waterways usually comes from land erosion. Erosion is a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural …
  • Training our people is a high priority for us and as well as our own initiatives, we work in collaboration with other sector organisations to attract, train and retain the talent we need to drive our sector forward.  … Learn about opportunities for on-farm training or leadership programmes B+LNZ supports below.  … Training our …
  • B+LNZ's research team spearheads a diverse array of research on behalf of farmers. Their quarterly newsletter offers a comprehensive overview of ongoing research projects. Feel free to distribute this newsletter among the broader farming community and contact to find out more. Quarterly newsletters … 2023 … 2022 … B+LNZ research …
  • … suggest these animals may grow to excessive mature weight which reduces their lifetime profitability due to increased feed consumption. If this is correct, there may be an optimal pre-mating growth strategy for ewe lambs that will reduce …