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Displaying 241 - 250 results of 334
  • The Government’s emissions pricing consultation – update …
    native plantings on farm
  • Don’t get caught with worms you can’t kill …
    image of Ginny Dodunski
  • B+LNZ reps share insights from COP28 …
  • Video
    Winter Crop Planning Webinar …
  • Find out what the key performance indicators are for farm classes in your region and see how you compare. … These regional reports use quintile analysis to summarise and group key farm performance benchmarks. Performance is ranked in five 20-percentile bands determined by EBITRm (earnings before interest, tax, rent and manager’s wage). All data is sourced from the Beef + Lamb New Zealand sheep and beef farm survey, and forecasts. The reports are based on the 2020–21 final survey result. …
  • … number of global markets, and there is low consumer awareness of New Zealand’s natural farming systems. That’s why the action that B+LNZ and the sector has taken to develop and activate the global origin brand and red meat story and develop …
  • B+LNZ farewells Director Martin Coup ahead of his retirement from the Board …
    image of Martin Coup
  • Low input sheep trial nears completion …
    image of lambs
  • Feeding between weaning and mating …
    Sheep grazing
  • … FITT was a B+LNZ initiative to improve farm profitability. It offered funding for groups of sheep and cattle farmers to trial new approaches or farming systems. … How FITT works Farmers within a region or … reports may be published and reported in the media, as well as shared through farmer networks, field days and meetings. Groups are expected to seek publicity and extension opportunities for their projects.  … Farmer Initiated Technology …