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Displaying 191 - 200 results of 235
  • Kiwis Backing Farmers campaign sending a message …
    Kiwis Backing Farmers banner
  • … industry in the coming years including the proposed support for existing groups. … B+LNZ Action Group evaluation reports … B+LNZ Action Groups …
  • Australian drought impact on NZ livestock markets …
    image of dry country road
  • A time of reflection, celebration and preparation …
  • The proposed TANK Plan Change, also known as “Proposed Plan Change 9” introduces new ways to manage the land and waterways of the Tūtaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū (TANK) catchments. The Plan will impact on your farm, so it is important that you have your say. … Overview The Hawkes Bay Regional Council are currently consulting on their Proposed Plan Change 9 – to manage freshwater ecological health for the Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu (TANK) catchments. The TANK plan includes …
  • … system stronger. Key links: The Mycoplasma bovis Info Hub containing the latest updates and M. bovis situation reports, information on the eradication process, compensation, resources and support for farmers B+LNZ resources for …
  • … : “ Vegetation options for increasing resilience in pastoral hill country ”. Resources Tagasaste handbook. Project reports . Factsheet  (PDF, 770 KB). Partners This is a Ministry for Primary Industries Sustainable Farming Fund project …
  • Page
    … continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep Beef Deer Career …
  • B+LNZ is funded by farmers through commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. Find out more about the strategies that guide our levy investment, what the current levies are and how farmers can have a say on the continuation of levies. This section also contains the Red Meat Report from B+LNZ and the Meat Industry Association. … Your levy …
  • … Puni Kokiri and the Ministry for Primary Industries. … About the programme The programme was born out of a seven-year economic development pilot carried out on the East Coast by the Tairawhiti Land Development Trust. Participating farms saw …