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Displaying 171 - 180 results of 978
  • Resource book
    FW1 Our Plan template: Freshwater assessment summary …
  • Learning module
    Introduction to freshwater quality …
  • Resource book
    FW3 Our Plan template: Freshwater risk …
  • The women behind the research …
    image of B+LNZ women
  • … Chinese consumers seek NZ beef and lamb for its quality, taste and trustworthiness …
  • … Find out what the key performance indicators are for farm classes in your region and see how you compare. … These regional reports use quintile analysis to summarise and group key farm performance benchmarks. Performance is ranked in five 20-percentile bands determined by EBITRm (earnings before interest, tax, rent and manager’s wage). All data is sourced from the Beef + Lamb New Zealand sheep and beef farm survey, and forecasts. The …
  • … The Soil your Undies Otago research programme aimed to understand and measure the health of rural soils by burying cotton. … B+LNZ is a partner in the Soil your Undies Otago research programme which aims to understand and measure the health of rural soils using simple biological indicators (earthworms, dung beetles and cotton undies) to build a map of …
  • Resource book
    … Managing Flystrike and Lice …
  • Page
    … For on-farm biosecurity to be effective, everyone involved in your farming business must be aware of your requirements and why they are important. … Recommended practices Make good biosecurity practices something your staff and visitors are eager to respect, by treating them as indicators of your operation’s quality rather than necessary evils … of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff responsible for livestock husbandry know how to identify sick and injured livestock. Ensure all staff know what to do in the event of a suspected emergency animal disease. Ensure all …
  • … Plan early and communicate …
    Cows in a field