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  • … Thinking of upskilling and already in employment on a sheep and beef farm? With Te Pūkenga | Primary ITO you can earn while you learn. … There are a few …
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    Following an earthquake, the following information may assist in managing potential risks on your farm. Information provided includes emergency updates, coping with stress, animal welfare and financial support. … For farmers requiring support with unstable land and tracks, please call Federated Farmers' helpline on 0800 327 646. The below information may assist in managing potential risks on your farm. Emergency updates FarmsOnLine:  Visit FarmsOnLine  for a one-stop-shop for accurate …
  • … and management systems through small group learning in B+LNZ-led Focus and Innovation groups  Setting up regional ‘Hub’ farms and partnerships, supporting farmer connection and shared learning and addressing local challenges and …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is focused on providing significant return on investment for dairy farmers’ beef levies.   … The dairy, sheep and beef industries are closely linked, through activities such as:  non-replacement dairy calves in beef finishing  the provision of beef semen or bulls  grazing young stock  wintering dairy cows  providing feed.  Cull cows are a significant source of New Zealand’s exported beef.  Given these relationships B+LNZ continually looks at further opportunities for …
  • Find out more about B+LNZ’s mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector.    … To be a Korowai of support and advocacy for our Māori levy payers as well as the wider Red Meat sector .  ‘Waiho I te toipoto, Kaua I te toiroa’ , Lets us be close together, not far apart’   Our mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector covers a range of areas including:  providing information and support – we work on the ground where needed, run wānanga and hui, and collaborate across the sector, with a strong focus on farm …
  • The proposed TANK Plan Change, also known as “Proposed Plan Change 9” introduces new ways to manage the land and waterways of the Tūtaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū (TANK) catchments. The Plan will impact on your farm, so it is important that you have your say. … Overview The Hawkes Bay Regional Council are currently consulting on their Proposed Plan Change 9 – to manage freshwater ecological health for the Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu (TANK) catchments. The TANK plan includes …
  • This project aimed to understand how to better manage tagasaste (commonly known as tree lucerne) on-farm in the Hawkes’ Bay region and Taupō. … Field trials were carried out at three sites to assess the following: Seed germination and establishment of tagasaste. Forage production and nutritive value of tagasaste. Weed risk assessment for tagastaste. Production of grass and legume pasture species grown in pasture-tagasaste systems. Background There is huge potential growth for the sheep and beef …
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    Not all testing for worms involves handling poo! Here we discuss how animal performance and health checks can be used in worm monitoring. This includes things you can check after an animal has died. … Liveweight monitoring and targeted selective treatment (TST)  What is it? Parasite infections in young animals can cause reduced appetite and reduced feed conversion efficiency.  Not all animals in a mob are affected to the same degree - some will be growing fine while others are not. Liveweight …