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Displaying 121 - 130 results of 138
  • Foot and mouth disease causes painful lesions on cloven-hoofed animals including sheep, cattle, pigs and goats. Infected animals are destroyed to halt the spread of the infection. … Last updated 27 July 2022 Need to know Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is spreading through popular Indonesian tourist destinations including Bali. Don’t allow visitors who have been on farms or in contact with farm animals while overseas in countries that have FMD onto your farm for at least a week after their arrival …
  • We're working with industry groups and government agencies to help develop robust biosecurity policy, systems and standards. … Our biosecurity role B+LNZ works with industry groups and government agencies to help develop robust biosecurity policy, systems and standards. We ensure the best interests of sheep and beef farmers are represented by: providing technical advice on import risks and import health standards participating in Ministry of Primary Industries projects that aim to improve …
  • … EnviroSchools Otago, AgResearch, Otago University scientists, Dung Beetle Innovations and the Science Learning Hub. How to soil your undies? The cotton strip (undies) test and earthworm counts are biological indicators of the health …
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    Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis …
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    The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator is a free tool, designed to help farmers measure on-farm GHG emissions and sequestration. Once you’ve done your calculation you can then choose to complete our online action plan. (Note: you need an online account to access these – see below for info). … About B+LNZ’s GHG Calculator You can do a simple calculation using your existing farm area and stock numbers to get started with ‘emissions numbers’. You can also add further information to give you a more …
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    Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where does excess sediment in our waterways come from? Sediment in waterways usually comes from land erosion. Erosion is a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural …
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    To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has rolled out the Forage Cropping module of the B+LNZ Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise environmental impacts. It will also help provide proof to the Government that farmers do not need further regulations to protect their natural resources and livestock. … To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has fast tracked the roll out of …
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    Dung – particularly in water – is bad news. Faecal bacteria and pathogens can cause disease in people. Faecal contamination is monitored using E. coli (Escherichia coli) as an “indicator” organism. E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the guts of warm-blooded mammals (including people) and birds. … Where does excess E. coli in our waterways come from? Common sources of E. coli bacteria include untreated human wastewater discharges, storm water run-off and animal waste. Faecal …
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    What’s the problem with high levels of nutrients? The problem is periphyton – the slime and algae found on river and stream beds. These organisms are essential for ecosystem functioning, but – under certain circumstances – they can proliferate and degrade waterways’ aesthetic, recreational, biodiversity and economic values. New Zealand streams are particularly prone to excessive periphyton growth because of the gravel nature of stream beds, high-intensity sunlight, warm waters and nutrient …
  • Waikato Plan Change 1 (PC1) will set rules for agricultural land use in the Waikato and Waipā catchments. This page contains the latest information on PC1.   … Note : B+LNZ is involved in Environment Court proceedings for PC1. Because PC1 is ‘sub judice’ (before the Court) B+LNZ needs to be careful about what it says. This page will be updated as the Court process allows.  Overview  Waikato Regional Council (WRC) first notified PC1 in 2016, and following a Council Hearing, the decision of PC1 …