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Displaying 291 - 300 results of 389
  • The red meat sector is committed to playing our part in addressing climate change and has already made significant progress. Climate change is a particular focus for B+LNZ – we support our farmers on-farm, we work with leading climate scientists and we advocate for emissions reduction targets that are science-based and fair. … Climate …
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    Meet your enemies! Learn about the important worm species of cattle – effects on the animal, seasonal pattern, diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies.  … For information on lungworm and liver fluke, please see:  Tapeworm liver fluke and lungworm . … Common worms in …
  • The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail.  Resources for farmers Wormwise handbook  (PDF, 4.3MB) – or request a printed copy Request a Wormwise workshop in your area:  Contact your B+LNZ extension manager Podcast with Dr Dave Leathwick : covering good management practice for internal parasites and answers to farmers’ questions Video:  Wormwise pre-lambing advice   Worms in refugia : a …
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    Part of being a good employer is to ensure your staff have continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep. beef, deer career pathway – Primary ITO (PDF, 136 KB) Safe Work Procedures FarmSmart 2017: Melonie Sheppard – getting the most from your staff DairyNZ useful resources on continuous improvement: Team meeting Employee …
  • Here you can find the most current B+LNZ Strategy. … The latest B+LNZ Strategy outlines our vision and how we'll get there through our work across key priority areas. It sets out the activities B+LNZ will invest in on behalf of red meat producers. The strategy is updated every five years and involves extensive consultation across the sector.  … B+LNZ Strategy 2021 – …
  • The 2024 B+LNZ Awards entries are open. Shine a light on your local hero by nominating them for one or more of the eight award categories.  … The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards celebrate the people, the innovation, the technologies, and farming systems that make New Zealand’s red meat industry world-leading.  … The B+LNZ Awards evolved out of the successful B+LNZ Sheep Industry Awards but now encompasses the whole red meat sector (sheep, beef and dairy beef). The eight award categories (four …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when conducting burn offs. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Workers must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by the person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Wear cotton or wool clothing - no synthetic Means to communicate with 111 if required What do you need to do to plan a burn? Check with Rural Fire authority to see if there is a Fire Ban in place or if a Burn Plan is required Check Emergency Response Plan …
  • Good environmental and animal welfare outcomes require good practice. Farmers are already doing some great work in both the animal welfare and the environmental space, but there is always more to be done. Managing winter grazing activities to minimise impact on animal welfare and your waterways is easy and effective when you have a plan in place and simple management tweaks thought out in advance. … Following the Government’s recent announcement of amendments to Intensive Winter Grazing (IWG) …
  • In the 2017 manifesto, Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) and the Meat Industry Association (MIA) sought an increase in partnership and collaboration with government and others.   … It sought to increase the sector’s contribution to GDP, further the trade liberalisation agenda and collaborate on policy development to equip farmers with the right knowledge, tools and support for continuous improvement in the key focus area of the environment.  Other priority areas outlined in the manifesto included …
  • B+LNZ Genetics was established in 2014 to consolidate New Zealand’s sheep and beef genetics research and innovation into a single entity as a division of B+LNZ. … B+LNZ Genetics exists to help commercial farmers make the most profitable breeding decisions for their particular farm management system. It does this by ensuring breeding objectives are commercially focused and developing easy-to-use selection tools. … B+LNZ Genetics is funded by sheep and beef levy payers and the Ministry of …