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Displaying 811 - 820 results of 920
  • … The New Zealand Meat Board website has detailed information on quotas and tariffs for New Zealand’s red meat quota markets. … With around 90 percent of beef and 95 percent of sheepmeat exported, market access is crucial to our sector’s profitability.   We do this by maintaining and protecting current market access, improving this access, and unlocking new market potential.   The Trade Team works …
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    … Learn about the important worm species of sheep – effects on the animal, seasonal pattern, diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies. Inside the animal  Sheep worms most often live in the abomasum (4th stomach) and the small intestine. Some worms can exist in both. Sheep almost always carry a mix of worm species.   … Where and how bad?  Most worm species are found throughout New Zealand – with some regional differences.  For example, …
  • … Every six years, farmers vote on whether they want B+LNZ to continue to exist, funded by compulsory levies on sheepmeat and beef (including dairy-beef). … Referendums are held as required under the Commodity Levies Act 1990.   The next … farmers on B+LNZ’s electoral roll will be provided with information:  outlining the constitutional information, and   how farmers' levies will be invested over the next six-year period,   and asked to vote 'yes' or 'no' to the continuation of B+LNZ.   In the past, farmers have also been asked to vote on …
  • … B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.   … Annual meeting  B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.    2024 meeting documentation  Voting pack documents:  Chair’s letter 2024 (PDF, 40KB) B+LNZ Company resolution explanatory notes 2024 (includes remits)   (PDF, 68KB) Activity update for B+LNZ and NZMB   (PDF, 857 KB) (NNI voters only) 2024 Northern North Island Director Election Candidate Profiles (PDF, 297 KB)   …
  • … eight award categories.  … The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards celebrate the people, the innovation, the technologies, and farming systems that make New Zealand’s red meat industry world-leading.  … The B+LNZ Awards evolved out of the successful B+LNZ Sheep Industry Awards but now encompasses the whole red meat sector (sheep, beef and dairy beef). The eight award categories (four people focused, four business focused) are continually reviewed to ensure they align with B+LNZ’s strategy and goals and reflect changes in the red meat sector.  The awards are a platform from which we can tell our sector's story …
  • … … AgResearch Emerging Achiever Award winner:   Estee Browne Finalists: • Cara Doggett • Luke Foster … Rabobank People and Development Award winner:   Agri-Women’s Development Trust Finalists: •  Coadette Lowe •  NZ Rural Leadership Trust … … New Zealand Regional Leadership Award winner:   East Coast Rural Support Trust … Congratulations to all the winners and finalists at the 2022 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards held on Thursday 29 September at Napier War Memorial, celebrating the people and technologies that make New Zealand’s red meat sector world-leading. … See the full 2022 winner list and read the media …
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    … paddocks for next year’s winter feed crop, think about how you can improve your management of critical source areas and waterways. Careful management is needed when winter grazing on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at least 5 metres, but this should increase with slope and soil instability. Check your regional councils’ rules and regulations because some have rules on buffer zones. Leave …
  • … Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) and the Meat Industry Association (MIA) launched a comprehensive package of proposed policy changes ahead of the 2023 General Election. … The proposed changes were aimed at growing export revenues and increasing jobs. The manifesto spans five key areas – climate and environment policy, workforce and industrial relations, trade, biosecurity, and innovation, research and development. …
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    … The more you know about how worms live and breed, the easier it is to mitigate the harm they cause. Here we look at the stages of the worm life cycle – there are … stock.  … Animals eat worm larvae with pasture. Larvae like to live close to the base of the pasture, in moisture and away from sunlight. After a larva is eaten, its takes about 21 days to become an adult worm that can lay eggs and continue the cycle. Egg hatching and larval development on pasture go quickest in warm, wet conditions. Know your foe …
  • … With the support of NZ Young Farmers and Sow the Seed, we are committed to ensuring this website is maintained and upgraded across 2024.  … This website is to support teachers and students to learn more about our land-based industries. Here you will find a variety of high-interest teaching and