In the rolling hills of South Auckland, Nurture Farm is getting ready to host an open farm day on Sunday 10 March 2024.

The family-owned operation hosted their first Open Farm event in 2021.
Nurture Farm’s Lisa Kendall recalls the excitement of their first event. "I absolutely loved having so many curious people coming around to attend my very first event. It was a no-brainer to sign up for 2024."
Open Farms struck a chord with Kendall even before she hosted the first event. "Urban Kiwis feel more removed than ever from where their food comes from," she says. "Given the opportunity to educate people on the agricultural sector, I jumped at the chance!"
One of the benefits of hosting an event to the public is creating valuable connections with the community.
"I was able to make connections with people interested in farming but without a direct connection to it. It was a breeze to organise, thanks to the fantastic information and resources provided as the host farmer," says Kendall.
“The buzz at Nurture Farm was infectious, it was a great day out for families with the kids, they got to learn about farming first-hand. I’m really excited about our upcoming event!
“I highly recommend farmers get involved and think about hosting. There are so many benefits but one that sticks out for me is how positive I felt coming away from it,” she says.
B+LNZ spoke to Open Farms Founder Daniel Eb in this Scene + Herd podcast episode.
B+LNZ supports Open Farms and encourages farmers to consider hosting an event as an opportunity to share their unique farming story and build stronger connections with urban Ki wis in their region.
About hosting an open farm day
Visit the official Open Farms website to learn more about this fantastic opportunity to bridge the gap between rural and urban communities, fostering a greater appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into putting food on our tables.