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Displaying 71 - 80 results of 138
  • … hill country sheep and cattle skills to a select group of not more than ten cadets in the first year. Opportunities for employment are made available for the second year in and around the community while cadets study for a structured Level 4 …
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    … that relate to animal welfare, and the key ones are listed here. For more information, search on the B+LNZ Knowledge Hub. … Resources Learning modules Animal welfare on farms learning module   BCS Sheep   Stock water   Factsheets B+LNZ's …
  • Looking out for Facial Eczema …
    Healthy sheep
  • Managing cash and feed to get through tough financial times …
    image of person looking over figures
  • In May–June 2022 the Government consulted on a draft National adaptation plan. … This plan sets out what the Government intends to do over the next five years to prepare New Zealanders for the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. We were strongly aligned with DairyNZ in our views and asked the Government to work with us further to prepare farmers with practical tools and solutions. Read our submission (PDF, 508KB) Find out more If you have any …
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    Winter is here. It’s time to think about protecting your paddocks over the coming months. … 9 practical tips around winter grazing: Plan early. When choosing paddocks for next year’s winter feed crop, think about how you can improve your management of critical source areas and waterways. Careful management is needed when winter grazing on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at …
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    Good staff wellbeing is directly linked to a better work environment, meaning better productivity. … Below are some resources to help you look after your staff’s wellbeing: FarmSalus Health and Safety on farm – risk management Health and Safety on farm – safety conversations DairyNZ well-being resources: How to stay well Drugs and alcohol Farmstrong provides free online modules helping rural New Zealanders cope with the ups and downs of farming – Calmer Farmer . … …
  • … Ltd (B+LNZ), the High Value Nutrition National Science Challenge and New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Research Partnership Fund. For all the details on this project visit the website: …
  • B+LNZ's National Webinar Series is a platform to provide updates on the work we’re doing to achieve our vision of profitable farmers, thriving farming communities, valued by all New Zealanders. … B+LNZ has established a new National Webinar series covering topics of national interest to farmers such as Essential Freshwater Policy, the Emission’s Trading Scheme and an update on Taste Pure Nature, which have proven very popular and will continue in the long-term. We want to hear from you Are …
  • … Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control. A good local review is provided on Deer Industry New Zealand’s Deer Hub website (pages 63–74).  … A range of different ‘natural’ products, herbs and minerals are sometimes advocated as …