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Displaying 61 - 70 results of 108
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working by yourself in a remote location. A remote location is defined as more than 30 minutes’ walk from a means of communication and/or assistance. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Wear Personal Protective Equipment that is appropriate to the task First aid kit Cell phone or 2-way radio (if communications can be …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when handling or working in the vicinity of livestock. ‘Livestock’ is defined as either cattle or sheep. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by the person in charge of the workplace Children under five must be directly supervised by an adult and are not to enter cattle yards What equipment do you need? Sturdy non-slip boots Hat/sunscreen as required General Procedure Keep stock calm Be …
  • Highlights of Red Meat Sector Conference available online …
    red meat conference 2022
  • Crop types and worms … Does method of crop establishment matter? … Do crops have less worm larvae on them? What’s the best crop for low worm challenge? What if there’s lots of grass through my crop? Learn about worm challenge on different forage types, and approaches to managing worms and drench inputs while animals are grazing crops.  … Why crops?  Crops not only provide a less favourable habitat for worm larvae, but can also provide better nutrition, to grow young stock more quickly through …
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    … that can help provide you with support. … Factsheets for preparing for a flood, recovering from a flood and health & safety post-flood Developed in response to previous flood events, these three factsheets – Preparing for a Flood, Recovering from a Flood, and Health and Safety Post-Flood – are guidelines to help farmers prepare for rain events and deal with both the immediate and long-term … around each. This factsheet includes a decision tree and a detailed guide for re-grassing sediment. The Health and Safety Post-Flood outlines farmers’ responsibilities when dealing with a volunteer workforce, covers-off the regulatory …
  • … (EAP), provided by Vitae, offering counselling, trauma support and assistance with work or personal issues. Health and safety at work Our proactive health and safety committee has a commitment to implementing initiatives that improve staff wellbeing and resilience, workplace safety practices and training, supporting people to return to work after accidents or injuries. … Work for us …
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    Part of being a good employer is to ensure your staff have continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep. beef, deer career pathway – Primary ITO (PDF, 136 KB) Safe Work Procedures FarmSmart 2017: Melonie Sheppard – getting the most from your staff Checklist for farmer employers (PDF, 328 KB) DairyNZ useful resources on …
  • Global agriculture innovation on display at E-Tipu IFAMA 2023 …
    e tipu conference
  • B+LNZ elected to Global Sustainable Beef Board …
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    … better productivity. … Below are some resources to help you look after your staff’s wellbeing: FarmSalus Health and Safety on farm – risk management Health and Safety on farm – safety conversations DairyNZ well-being resources: How to stay well Drugs and alcohol Farmstrong provides free online …