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Displaying 471 - 480 results of 536
  • B+LNZ Generation Next Programme fuels aspiring farmer's career growth …
    image of niamh
  • … B+LNZ invests in research on behalf of farmers. Research projects are prioritised and evaluated for relevance to the sector based on priorities derived from various sources including the UMR surveys, farmer councils and the Farmer Research …
  • … Food & Fibre Challenge is an interactive way of highlighting the many opportunities and careers within the primary sector to school leavers.  … The first Food & Fibre challenge was at the 2020 Southern Field Days in Waimumu. Since then, … to a Quarry Operator.  Participants fill out an answer sheet discovering the careers and information about the sector as they attend field days giving schools purpose to attend and another learning opportunity.   B+LNZ has partnered …
  • High inflation and reduced livestock prices could see farm profits fall more than 30% …
    trade containters
  • … This is an interactive tool that lets you analyse New Zealand’s meat exports: by meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and … compared to the previous year. Market price and exchange rate change for New Zealand lamb exports for last 20 years. … Meat export detail … Lamb …
  • … This is an interactive tool that lets you analyse New Zealand’s meat exports: by meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and … compared to the previous year. Market price and exchange rate change for New Zealand beef exports for last 20 years. … Meat export detail … Beef …
  • … Find out more about other issues B+LNZ advocates on, on behalf of our farmers, to ensure our sector can remain productive, innovative and sustainable in every sense.  … Other focuses …
  • … Working with others enables us to achieve more for the good of our farmers and our sector.  … Community partnerships …
  • ‘Catch the Rain’ research project – seeking interested farmers …
  • On 20 July 2019 Environment Canterbury notified two plan changes which propose changes to rules in the Canterbury region generally, and to the Waimakariri and Orari-Temuka-Opihi-Pareora sub-regions. … Proposed changes that might affect you are summarised in the table below. … Have your say Submissions closed at 5pm on 13 September 2019. Providing feedback Read  Beef + Lamb New Zealand's Submission to Environment Canterbury on PC7  (PDF, 1.5MB) Submission templates Beef + Lamb New Zealand has …