A Director election will be held for Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s (B+LNZ) Northern North Island electorate after nominations for director roles and annual meeting remits closed last Friday.

Under the requirements of the B+LNZ Constitution, the two directors retiring by rotation were Northern North Island’s Martin Coup and Northern South Island’s Kate Acland.
Martin Coup is not standing for re-election. Two nominations – Peter Moore and Phil Weir – were received for the Northern North Island.
Current Director Kate Acland was the only nomination for the Northern South Island electoral district so is re-elected unopposed.
Candidate profiles and voting papers for the Northern North Island director election will be posted to voters in that district in mid-February 2024 as part of the annual meeting voting pack.
Five farmer remits have been received for consideration at the annual meeting in 2024. The remits proposed and B+LNZ’s response will be included in the voting pack.
Director elections close, and postal and electronic voting for resolutions and remits closes, on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
To be eligible to vote, a livestock farmer must, on 30 June 2023, have owned at least 250 sheep, or 50 beef cattle, or 100 dairy cattle, and be on the B+LNZ electoral roll. Voters must farm within the respective electorate to be eligible to vote for the Board of Directors.
Farmers who have previously received voting papers are on the electoral roll and do not need to re-register. They are able to check if they’re on the electoral roll by contacting B+LNZ on 0800 233 352 or enquiries@beeflambnz.com.
Eligible voters can register on B+LNZ’s electoral roll at any time before voting closes – however if they register after 5pm on Friday 19 January 2024 they will need to vote online.
An election helpline is also available for questions and further information, on 0800 666 035 or iro@electionz.com.
The 2024 B+LNZ Annual Meeting will be held in Nelson on 19 March.
For media queries, email media@beeflambnz.com