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Displaying 401 - 410 results of 490
  • Key improvements welcomed in amended winter grazing regulations …
    Winter grazing
  • Global agriculture innovation on display at E-Tipu IFAMA 2023 …
    e tipu conference
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    … we still want our drenches to be effective for the stock that need them most, refugia is an important piece of any worm management plan.  … Ideas for creating Refugia Maintain an undrenched ewe flock that shares grazing areas with drenched … do this safely. Don’t drench animals directly onto areas of new grass or ‘clean’ grazing. See this video on new grass management for tips.  Draft out light 2ths or ewes, don’t drench them and run them together with lambs.  Avoid running …
  • … B+LNZ Genetics exists to help commercial farmers make the most profitable breeding decisions for their particular farm management system. It does this by ensuring breeding objectives are commercially focused and developing easy-to-use …
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    … … Below are some resources to help you look after your staff’s wellbeing: FarmSalus Health and Safety on farm – risk management Health and Safety on farm – safety conversations DairyNZ well-being resources: How to stay well Drugs and …
  • Preparing rams for mating …
    image of rams
  • Our Innovation Farm Programme helps farmers identify tools and practices that result in real financial improvements. … About the programme Our Innovation Farms bring together the best scientific minds and farming visionaries to investigate specific technology and on farm innovations. The programme has up to 8 farmers involved at any one time and their involvement tends to last around 3 years. The farms focus on developing new knowledge and on delivering results that can be picked up by early …
  • … The aim of this project is to inform what influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management, and how a farm system operates with reduced drench. … The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management communication with farmers and vets for their usefulness, reach, impact, and associated behaviour change. The aim of this project is to inform:   What influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management. How a farm system operates with reduced drench. Background Internal parasites are one of the most important …
  • Informing New Zealand Beef extension activities in full swing …
    image of Hereford bull
  • Q&A with Hamish Best: 2024 Next Gen Sheep Producers farmer …
    image of Hamish Best