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Displaying 351 - 360 results of 366
  • The objectives of this project were to quantify the benefits of deferred grazing, and establish criteria to help farmers identify when deferred grazing is appropriate in their farm system.  … This was achieved by comparing standard rotational grazing and deferred grazing in replicated plot studies at two sites:    Mataiwhetu Station – a summer wet property    Otorohaea – a summer dry property.   The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early …
  • Waikato Plan Change 1 (PC1) will set rules for agricultural land use in the Waikato and Waipā catchments. This page contains the latest information on PC1.   … Note : B+LNZ is involved in Environment Court proceedings for PC1. Because PC1 is ‘sub judice’ (before the Court) B+LNZ needs to be careful about what it says. This page will be updated as the Court process allows.  Overview  Waikato Regional Council (WRC) first notified PC1 in 2016, and following a Council Hearing, the decision of PC1 …
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    Trees are an important part of pastoral-based farming systems.  … Benefits of plantings trees on farms: Provide windbreaks and shade for livestock help them grow faster​.  Stock feed during droughts or shortages of feed​.  Help soil retention on steep slopes, stop erosion.  Improve the productivity of your land, especially areas that do not grow good pasture​.  Provide landscape diversity and wildlife habitat, biodiversity​.  Absorb carbon to help offset your, or others’ emissions.  Help …
  • A report from the University of Canterbury has revealed that 24 per cent of New Zealand’s native vegetation (approximately 2.8 million hectares) is estimated to be on sheep and beef farms. This is the largest amount of native vegetation present outside of public conservation land. … Download the summary report:  Native Vegetation on Sheep and Beef Farms (PDF, 2 MB) Download the full report:  Desk-top Assessment of Native Vegetation on New Zealand Sheep and Beef Farms (PDF, 3.5 MB) The report …
  • The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of introducing refugia into a lamb finishing operation that had a triple drench resistance issue. Refugia, introduced through lambs with susceptible parasites, was compared to the more conventional practice of quarantine drenching. … Background Resistance of parasites, or worms, to all classes of drench is a major concern in New Zealand farming systems. Intensive finishing and hogget grazing systems are at high risk of developing triple …
  • Award judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit supporting data. Please ensure to notify your nominee that you have put them forward for an award.  A follow up call will be made with all  nominated  entrants to validate and get …
  • Does rotational grazing help reduce the number of worms on pasture? Does grazing sheep and cattle together help manage worms? How long do I need to wait for worm larvae numbers to drop before grazing a paddock again? You’ll find the answers in this section! Techniques that can be used to reduce worm challenge to susceptible stock include: Grazing only the top 1/3 of the pasture with your vulnerable young stock. Using adult stock and other species of stock to clean up behind youngsters and …
  • B+LNZ released an extensive report on alternative proteins and its implications for the red meat sector. … Download the full Alternative Proteins report  (PDF, 17.89 MB) Download the Summary Report  (PDF, 3.1 MB) We commissioned the study to better understand the shifts in food, food production technology and consumer trends and distinguish the hype from reality. The report shows alternative proteins are likely to become a major competitor to some of New Zealand’s red meat products and the …
  • The main findings from this project showed that helicropping can be undertaken and utilised in a way that minimises environment risks. … The overall project objective was to define the role of helicropping in crop establishment and pasture renewal including:  • methodology  • where best undertaken  • identification of risks (particularly at grazing)  • risk mitigation (catch crop, cover crops, sediment bunds and runoff barriers). The project harnesses learnings from existing knowledge gained by …
  • Since the passage of the Zero Carbon Bill we have actively advocated for the Government to review the methane targets using the GWP* metric and to start reporting on the warming impact of various gases. … This page is a snapshot of the work we’ve been doing – in the background we’ve also had numerous meetings with the Climate Change Commission, academics and officials about these issues.  B+LNZ calls for critical changes in methane approach in Zero Carbon Bill (May 2019) Beef + Lamb New Zealand …