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Displaying 351 - 360 results of 651
  • Factsheet
    GHG Action Plan Example …
  • Perfect summer for flystrike …
    Sheep grazing
  • Page
    … bovis from New Zealand. The outbreak of M. bovis and the phased eradication programme underscores the importance of on-farm biosecurity. This information resource aims to help you understand what the phased eradication programme means for your farm business, support you to review your general farm biosecurity, and provide relevant information about M. bovis . … … We were one of the last countries free of the disease - until now it does not infect humans and presents no food safety risk. There is no concern about eating meat, milk and milk products M. bovis is particularly difficult to detect, …
  • Farmer input informing ETS submission …
    Three farmers
  • Podcast
    High performing forages to drive profitability …
    anna and blair nelson
  • Video
    GHG Calculator Video 4: Livestock balances …
    image of sheep onfarm
  • External resource
    Chilean Needle Grass Ute Guide …
  • B+LNZ elected to Global Sustainable Beef Board …
  • Video
    GHG Calculator Video 7: Results …
  • … , the Agrication website , and the cross-promotion of resources and events. Think Safe Brain Campaign The health and safety of everyone on your farm is important. The ‘Think Safe Brain’ Campaign is for rural schools around New Zealand where whole communities celebrate everything rural while teaching critical practical lessons about health, safety and wellbeing. B+LNZ is proud to support this campaign through annual sponsorship.  Massey University B+LNZ is a …