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Displaying 171 - 180 results of 266
  • New Zealand’s lamb industry celebrated in Oamaru and London …
    image of lamb day celebrations in London
  • Joint update from Beef + Lamb New Zealand and the Meat Industry Association: supply chain update …
    meat processing
  • B+LNZ’s recent regional policy work …
  • … National’s farm regulations announcement a ‘significant step in the right direction’ …
    Image of river through Waikato farm.
  • Trade Blog: the value of the World Trade Organization to NZ farmers …
    picture of trade officials
  • Factsheet
    Ewe Body Condition Scoring (BCS) Factsheet …
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    … Interpretation  Action 0–300  Low  Don't treat, continue to monitor  300–800  Moderate  May or may not treat depending on other factors*  800–2,000  High  Treat now  2,000+  Very high  Treat yesterday  … * Feed quality and quantity, sheep … cases you need to consider all your management information alongside the FEC data, to decide the next step. Depending on this, you may elect not to treat, to treat a proportion of the mob, or not treat at all. Total worm count versus FEC … Interpretation  Action 0-200  Low  Don't treat, continue to monitor.  200-500  Moderate  May or may not treat depending on other factors*.  500-800  High  Treat now.  800+  Very high  Treat yesterday. … Interpreting cattle FECs  FECs are …
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    … and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis of a high breeding value for disease resistance where this is available. Check the animal health details of …
  • … six-month course includes 18 days of programmed content delivered in three residential-based phases and course project report between Phase One and Phase Three.  Find out more about the course format and the topics covered on the Rural Leaders’ website .  B+LNZ is a proud strategic partner of Rural Leaders. … Kellogg Rural Leaders …
  • … out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past. Farm management performance indicators are summarised by farm, hectare, stock unit, region, and farm class. They include balance sheet analysis. For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and …