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Displaying 161 - 170 results of 464
  • Video
    Early- to late-pregnancy nutritional management with Professor Paul Kenyon, Massey University …
    Early- to late-pregnancy nutritional management with Professor Paul Kenyon, Massey University
  • … and sunburn and, in severe cases, death. Currently, there is no cure. B+LNZ’s Economic Service estimates the annual cost of FE to the New Zealand sheep, beef, dairy and deer sectors to be around $332m per year. Status: This project …
  • Video
    Why you should condition score your ewes …
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    Careful planning for winter allows you to winter animals in a way that ensures the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained and environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. Paddock/Grazing Management When you’re standing at the gate considering how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: Feed planning  – how many animals will this crop feed and for how long. Consider using the B+LNZ FeedSmart app. This app …
  • B+LNZ director elections in Eastern North Island postponed …
    image of workshop participants
  • … Here you'll find more than 10 years of farmgate data showing the average and annual monthly prices for YM lamb, all-grades lamb, mutton, steer, heifer, cow and bull meat – as well as the annual dairy milk solids payout, and price estimates for the year ahead. (Updated 14/05/2024) … Sheep … Beef … Dairy … …
  • New Zealand Meat Board announces investment in innovative beef genetics programme …
    Informing New Zealand Beef banner with logo
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    If you want the best information from your worm monitoring, make sure you collect fresh samples and store them correctly. Here’s a quick guide.  … It’s best to collect fresh samples by quietly moving the mob of animals to a corner and letting them stand for 5–10 minutes, and then collecting what has been dropped.   If it’s not possible to hold a mob somewhere , just let them drift quietly away from you through a gateway or narrow area. Ideally collect ones you’ve actually seen pass out the back …
  • Factsheet
    Performance Incentives …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand Genetics and LIC collaborate for bull progeny testing …