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Displaying 131 - 140 results of 917
  • … In a global context the New Zealand beef and lamb sector is unique, we have an export profile like no other (more than 90 per cent of our sheepmeat and beef goes overseas), we are niche producers (we can only feed 30 million people) and our production is based on natural farming systems. … We know that competition in the meat market is strong and new …
  • … that 24 per cent of New Zealand’s native vegetation (approximately 2.8 million hectares) is estimated to be on sheep and beef farms. This is the largest amount of native vegetation present outside of public conservation land. … Download the summary report:  Native Vegetation on Sheep and Beef Farms (PDF, 2 MB) Download the full report:  Desk-top Assessment of Native Vegetation on New Zealand Sheep and Beef Farms (PDF, 3.5 MB) The report has also uncovered that 17 per cent of all New Zealand’s native forest is …
  • Video
    … Forestry and Farming: Productivity and profitability of the sheep & beef sector, emissions and carbon credits …
  • … Here you'll find more than 10 years of farmgate data showing the average and annual monthly prices for YM lamb, all-grades lamb, mutton, steer, heifer, cow and bull meat – as well as the annual dairy milk solids payout, and price estimates for the year ahead. (Updated …
  • … Chinese consumers seek NZ beef and lamb for its quality, taste and trustworthiness …
  • … Local and global meat and livestock sector discussions inform the UN Food Systems Summit …
    UNSS Banner NZ sheep
  • Resource book
    … Managing Flystrike and Lice …
  • Page
    … For on-farm biosecurity to be effective, everyone involved in your farming business must be aware of your requirements and why they are important. … Recommended practices Make good biosecurity practices something your staff and visitors are eager to respect, by treating them as indicators of your operation’s quality rather than necessary evils … of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff responsible for livestock husbandry know how to identify sick and injured livestock. Ensure all staff know what to do in the event of a suspected emergency animal disease. Ensure all …
  • … Plan early and communicate …
    Cows in a field
  • Resource book
    … CC4 Our Plan template: Our farm’s emissions and sinks …