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Displaying 11 - 20 results of 256
  • Programmes & Partnerships …
  • Find out more about some of the key programes we're working on.  … Current programmes …
  • … This section contains information on programmes that are no longer active. If there's a programme you want to know more about and it's not included, email us . … Past programmes …
  • … Hill Country Futures is a long-term $8.1m programme focused on future proofing the profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of New Zealand’s hill country … farm systems, the environment and rural communities. … Visit the Hill Country Futures website here This multi-year programme takes a trans-disciplinary approach to “landscapes” and considers the whole farm system and associated communities. The Hill Country Futures programme incorporates traditional science research, farmer knowledge, social research and citizen science. At an on-farm …
  • Factsheet
    … The Cool Sheep Programme
  • We’re helping facilitate the development of rural leaders within the broader food and fibre sector, both through our internal initiatives and collaborative efforts with external partners. A key focus is empowering hands-on farmers to acquire technical expertise while expanding their professional networks. … Personal development …
  • Video
    … Wairarapa Innovation Farm Programme, Year 2 …
  • … Tailored B+LNZ Wormwise workshops driven by farmer feedback …
    image of workshop participants
  • Resource book
    … Innovation farm programme 2012-2016 …
  • … You can read about research already underway or register your email , so we can keep you up to date as the programme progresses.  … The EFEI programme has the ambitious goal of eliminating the impact of Facial Eczema (FE) as a disease of livestock in New … we will be able to develop practical tools and solutions for farmers to manage FE behind the farm gate. The EFEI programme will have a direct benefit to B+LNZ levy payers and the wider sector. Solutions developed will aim to ultimately …