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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 175
  • Interactive tool
    Benchmarking Tool
  • … Key sheep-producing activities across the year, to help you manage ewes effectively and keep your team updated.   … Benchmarking tool  Find out the key performance indicators for farm classes in your region and see how you compare, using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … Meat export tool  Build your understanding of the markets for, and trends in, NZ’s meat exports.   … Meat and wool calculator  Use …
  • Learning module
    … Measuring progress – KPIs and Benchmarking
  • Video
    … RMPP: DataLinker, eASD and Benchmarking
  • Interactive tool
    … Meat Export Tool
  • … range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions. Access our Lambing Calculator, Sheep Calendar, Benchmarking Tool, Meat Export Tool, Meat and Wool Calculator, Profitability Calculator and Bizplan.  … Industry Data …
  • Interactive tool
    … BizPlan – online business planning tool
  • Interactive tool
    Meat and Wool Calculator …
  • See where New Zealand wool is exported to and view export statistics by region, year, and wool type. … The wool export year begins in July. The statistics here are for the year to date and the year before, so you can compare the two. … Wool exports by region … Wool exports by micron group … Wool export reports … …
  • … Revolutionary new tool for farmers …