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Displaying 891 - 900 results of 981
  • … As part of B+LNZ's commitment to supporting, growing, training and retaining people in our sector, we’ve developed this hub to assist farm owners and managers at every stage of their employment journey. … Here are some useful resources to help you as an employer. We …
  • … Hill Country Futures is a long-term $8.1m programme focused on future proofing the profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of New Zealand’s hill country farmers, their farm systems, the environment and rural communities. … Visit the Hill Country Futures website here This multi-year programme takes a trans-disciplinary approach to “landscapes” and considers the whole farm system and associated communities. The Hill Country Futures programme incorporates …
  • … Archive of Annual Reports … This page contains governance and reporting information.  … Remit policies and guidelines  A proposed remit is a statement submitted for consideration which seeks changes to policy or is a matter of major interest or concern for sheep and beef producers.  If you want to propose a remit, you should read the following documents before completing the remit …
  • … Our Farming for Profit Programme shares information and monitors progress amongst a whole community rather than just an individual farm. … The programmes are based on feedback from the farming community, using field days, seminars and workshops to address the issues most important to you and your neighbours. B+LNZ develops a programme of activities around the subjects farmers have identified as being …
  • … Faecal egg counts, larval cultures and other diagnostic methods can be used to assess the level of worm infestation in stock, and whether drench treatments have been effective. … Worm diagnostics …
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    … planting another crop as soon as possible after your final grazing, you can capture those nutrients in the second crop and increase overall feed production from the paddock. This also protects the environment by reducing the risk of nitrogen … 40% in some soil types. 1. What soil type are you dealing with? Free draining soils – with a low water holding capacity and a small pore volume (e.g. stony soils) or soils with subsoil drainage (tile, mole, nova flow) – are most at risk of nitrogen loss through leaching, and are also the most suitable for catch crops. If you are dealing with heavy, wet, or water-logged soils the use of heavy …
  • … Working with others enables us to achieve more for the good of our farmers and our sector.  … Community partnerships …
  • … Help shine a spotlight on our people and our sector. Think about the people in your circles making an impact and nominate them for one of the eight B+LNZ Awards categories. Anyone working in the sheep and beef (dairy beef) industry is encouraged to enter, or nominate someone else, for one or several of the award …
  • … B+LNZ makes consultation submissions on behalf of farmers, informed by farmer feedback, and supports farmers to have their say.  … Climate change consultations …
  • … comprised of B+LNZ, DairyNZ, DEEResearch, Grasslands Innovation (a joint venture between Grasslanz Technology and PGGW Seeds), Agriseeds, AgResearch and Dairy Australia. The board includes George Tatham, B+LNZ Farmer Director for the Eastern North Island. Forage … smart, sustainable forages to New Zealand, using plant biotechnologies to improve the productivity, sustainability and quality of New Zealand forages. Pastoral Genomics has developed tools to breed cultivars with smaller environmental …