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  • … in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit … that you have put them forward for an award.  A follow up call will be made with all  nominated  entrants to validate and get further information if required, so please ensure that your nominee is aware of this.  Independent Judges Panel … this award will be developing or discovering new processes or products that contribute, but are not limited to, animal health and welfare, advancements in agronomy, biodiversity enhancement, environmental science, data science, genetics or …
  • … The New Zealand Meat Board website has detailed information on quotas and tariffs for New Zealand’s red meat quota markets. … With around 90 percent of beef and 95 percent of sheepmeat exported, market access is crucial to our sector’s profitability.   We do this by maintaining and protecting current market access, improving this access, and unlocking new market potential.   The Trade Team works …
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    … are an important part of pastoral-based farming systems.  … Benefits of plantings trees on farms: Provide windbreaks and shade for livestock help them grow faster​.  Stock feed during droughts or shortages of feed​.  Help soil retention on … Improve the productivity of your land, especially areas that do not grow good pasture​.  Provide landscape diversity and wildlife habitat, biodiversity​.  Absorb carbon to help offset your, or others’ emissions.  Help diversify your income by providing timber, carbon, and honey​.  Some farmers have chosen to get carbon credits for the trees within their farming operation. These credits …
  • … Beef + Lamb New Zealand is working to raise awareness of the issue of wholesale land use change from sheep and beef farming to carbon farming that is incentivised by the Government. … This page sets out our position and there’s a list of our media releases at the bottom. Our position is clear – we are not anti-forestry.  A lot of farmers are looking to integrate trees on farms and that’s a good thing. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and it’s good for the climate and the environment to plant some …
  • … Emerging Achiever Award winner:   Amy Hoogenboom Finalists:   •  James Robbie •  Harriet Watson … Rabobank People and Development Award winner:   Rural Leadership Trust Finalists: •  Growing Future Farmers   • Whangarei Agricultural and Pastoral Society Farm Intern Programme … FMG Rural Champion Award winner:   Surfing For Farmers Finalists: •   … October at the Te Pae Convention Centre, Christchurch. See a list of winners here. … Congratulations to all the winners and finalists at the 2023 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards held on Thursday 19 October 2023 at Te Pae Christchurch …
  • … programme. B+LNZ encourages anyone wanting to take the next step in their farming career to apply. See below for dates and locations. Applications close 29 February 2024. … Nurture, assist, and encourage the current and future farmers within our sector, by developing their capability and building their potential as future industry …
  • … meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and volumes of lamb exported globally year by region. … Average value of New Zealand lamb exports to particular countries … of New Zealand lamb exported to particular countries for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Market price and exchange rate change for New Zealand lamb exports for last 20 years. … Meat export detail … Lamb …
  • … meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and volumes of beef exported globally by region. … Average value of New Zealand beef exports by region for the year to … year. Volumes of New Zealand beef exports by country for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Market price and exchange rate change for New Zealand beef exports for last 20 years. … Meat export detail … Beef …
  • … AWDT is a critical partner to New Zealand's primary industries, its programmes developing the skills, capability and confidence of women. … The Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT) runs leadership programmes that aim to increase the pool of women with the skills and capability to govern and lead agricultural organisations. … Women play key roles in New Zealand farming partnerships and bring a wide range of …
  • … Our Innovation Farm Programme helps farmers identify tools and practices that result in real financial improvements. … About the programme Our Innovation Farms bring together the best scientific minds and farming visionaries to investigate specific technology and on farm innovations. The programme has up to 8 farmers involved at any one time and their involvement tends to last …