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Displaying 781 - 790 results of 920
  • B+LNZ says low-slope map for stock exclusion still not fit for purpose …
    trees on farm
  • Farmer input informing ETS submission …
    Three farmers
  • … Calling all farmers! Register on the Beef + Lamb New Zealand electoral roll and have your say on the big issues affecting our industry. … As the industry organisation representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef producers, we invest farmer levies to help grow the industry today and for future generations. Why register? To make the best decisions on behalf of New Zealand farmers, we need to know …
  • … covering topics of national interest to farmers such as Essential Freshwater Policy, the Emission’s Trading Scheme and an update on Taste Pure Nature, which have proven very popular and will continue in the long-term. We want to hear from you Are there any specific topics you would like to hear about as part of our National Webinar Series? Let us know via the button below with your suggested topics and keep an eye on our Events Calendar for the next update as part of this series.  SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK AND WEBINAR …
  • … Preliminary analyses of 84 suspected Pse. chartarum isolates from the environment have been carried out by AgResearch and Manaaki Whenua. This analysis indicates that the New Zealand isolates of Pse. chartarum separate into three major … be analysed to compare genetic relatedness of isolates from facial eczema affected farms with environmental isolates and those from the same genus or closely related species. Representative isolates from each group will have their genetic … Knowing that there are several Pseudopithomyces species in pasture enables accurate and impactful management tools and solutions for FE. Timeline and investment This project is a 12-month pilot study due for completion February …
  • Connection critical for rural communities after cyclone, says Beef + Lamb New Zealand …
    image of farmer in flood affected area
  • B+LNZ Generation Next Programme fuels aspiring farmer's career growth …
    image of niamh
  • Page
    … What with? … Learn about when you should administer a quarantine drench, what to use, and importantly – what to do afterwards!  … The ‘why’ of quarantine  The aim of a quarantine drench to bought-in stock is … ensure you don’t make this worse by importing worms with nastier genetics than the ones already there!  Bought-in lambs and calves represent the biggest risk of importing drench-resistant worms, but those buying in replacement ewes of unknown … unknown or poor resistance status. Calves from large scale rearers, unless vendor can provide you with drench testing data to show that the common drench classes are highly effective.  Maybe  Beef weaners from cow breeding system (these are …
  • … The objectives of this project were to quantify the benefits of deferred grazing, and establish criteria to help farmers identify when deferred grazing is appropriate in their farm system.  … This was achieved by comparing standard rotational grazing and deferred grazing in replicated plot studies at two sites:    Mataiwhetu Station – a summer wet property    Otorohaea – a summer dry property.   The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early autumn (depending on the farm) but was rotationally grazed after the deferred period for the …
  • … Get ready for an exhilarating experience at the Southern (Waimumu) and Central District (Feilding) Field Days, brought to you by NZ Young Farmers and Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … B+LNZ’s Food & Fibre Challenge is an interactive way of highlighting the many opportunities and careers within the primary sector to school leavers.  … The first Food & Fibre challenge was at the 2020 Southern …