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- … conditions. While no one can make it rain, there are management strategies that farmers can put in place to protect the future performance of their capital breeding stock, such as early weaning, body condition scoring and feed budgets. Most importantly, farmers need to look after the well-being of themselves and their families. As well as making use of networks (friends, family and neighbours, rural professionals) there are local agencies, such as the Rural Support Trust who are there to support farming families. Please don’t hesitate to seek assistance. Below is a …
- Page… animals can cause reduced appetite and reduced feed conversion efficiency. Not all animals in a mob are affected to the same degree - some will be growing fine while others are not. Liveweight gain (LWG) data of individual animals can be … it works? This approach has been shown to work both in New Zealand and overseas. Large reductions in drench use (in the range of 50-70%) have been achieved with only minimal impact on overall mob growth performance. In these studies, … that your animals hit their targets. TST is v ery flexible – you can start whenever you’re confident to do so, and vary the proportion of animals left untreated to suit your system and risk preference. Currently it is more common in cattle …
- … Beef + Lamb New Zealand is a partner in the M. bovis eradication programme alongside the Ministry for Primary Industries and DairyNZ. … Disease management agency OSPRI took over managing the day-to-day delivery of the programme from 1 November 2023. This includes: regular testing of milk and animals to …
- Page… Winter is here. It’s time to think about protecting your paddocks over the coming months. … 9 practical tips around winter grazing: Plan early. When choosing paddocks for next year’s winter … on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at least 5 metres, but this should increase with slope and soil instability. Check your regional …
- … Year End Financial Statements 30 September 2024 and Independent Auditor’s Report (PDF, 521KB) For information about the meeting itself, go to the event page on our website . … Further info … Annual meeting …
- Page… Farmers whose intensive winter grazing practices do not meet the permitted activity criteria need to apply to their Regional Council for a resource consent by 1 May 2023. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different way. This table gives farmers links to the information they need for their specific region as well as contact details. … Each Regional Council is implementing …
- … Since the passage of the Zero Carbon Bill we have actively advocated for the Government to review the methane targets using the GWP* metric and to start reporting on the warming impact of various gases. … This page is a …
- … This project measured the concentrations of ivermectin (a macrocyclic lactone) reaching target cattle tissues (abomasum and small intestine) and the target parasites ( Ostertagia and Cooperia ) when given to cattle orally, by injection or pour-on. … Background … understood why this occurs or why different organs appear different. Despite evidence that pour-on administration is the least effective and most likely to select for resistant parasites, these products are the most common for the cattle …
- Page… quality rather than necessary evils or procedures done under sufferance. Ensure all staff understand their role in the implementation of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff responsible for livestock husbandry know how to identify sick and injured livestock. Ensure all staff know what to do in the event of a suspected emergency animal disease. Ensure all staff know where to find contact details for the local vet(s). Download DairyNZ's Biosecurity Planner – Protecting your business from pests and diseases (PDF, 298 KB) …
- … The aim of this project is to inform what influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management, and how a farm system operates with reduced drench. … The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management communication with farmers and vets for their usefulness, reach, impact, and associated behaviour change. The aim of this project is to inform: What influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite …