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Displaying 691 - 700 results of 920
  • More work needed on Government’s National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity …
    Image of river through Waikato farm.
  • … Our Farming for Profit Programme shares information and monitors progress amongst a whole community rather than just an individual farm. … The programmes are based on feedback from the farming community, using field days, seminars and workshops to address the issues most important to you and your neighbours. B+LNZ develops a programme of activities … to work harder on behalf of your community, coming up with local solutions for local needs, so you have the practical tools you need to help you improve your farm business. Farming for Profit field days See our events calendar for Farming …
  • Resource book
    Farm Safety Management System …
  • Video explains benefits of pasture-raised red meat vs alternative proteins …
    image of pasture raised advantage branded banner
  • … the season will receive a Prezzy Card. Each year, 25 randomly chosen farms will undergo monthly FEC (Faecal Egg Count) and larval culture testing from October to May. Expressions of Interest for the 2023–2024 FE season are now closed, but … to be around $332m per year. Status: This project is currently active. Farmers' active involvement will shape future tools and solutions for managing FE Here’s a summary of what it means to be involved: Roughly every two weeks, we need … produce a map (updated monthly) that shows anonymised spore counts across the country. We also ask farmers to provide data about their farm, the sheep involved, and how they currently manage FE. This information will help identify risk …
  • … Find out more about B+LNZ’s farm planning approach and access key resources. … About Farm Planning B+LNZ’s farm planning approach is designed to help you: ensure the sustainability and profitability of your business by adapting to climate change, understanding and managing your greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the health of your soil, freshwater and biodiversity meet …
  • On-farm inflation hits 40-year high …
    farmers and dogs
  • … place to protect the future performance of their capital breeding stock, such as early weaning, body condition scoring and feed budgets. Most importantly, farmers need to look after the well-being of themselves and their families. As well as making use of networks (friends, family and neighbours, rural professionals) there are … farming families. Please don’t hesitate to seek assistance. Below is a list of ideas, resources and decision-support tools to consider, to help you and your staff manage the dry. … Drought resources …
  • B+LNZ Board member new chair of Ngāti Kahungunu  …
    Bayden Barber
  • Preventing losses to metabolic diseases at lambing …
    Sheep family