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Displaying 631 - 640 results of 749
  • It’s time to know your GHG numbers …
    ipad farmers
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    … practices Check the health status of stock before purchasing. e.g. the results of TB or Johne’s disease tests and farm of origin history. Only buy livestock from suppliers who can provide information about veterinary treatments and the … water. Newly arrived sheep should be routinely given an appropriate quarantine drench. This would be best given on the farm of origin but in many cases will have to be given on arrival. On release from quarantine pens, monitor new stock in … if necessary before integrating them with other mobs. Quarantine paddocks or pens should be as near as possible to the farm entrance and well away from other stock. As a minimum, a double fenced 3 metre gap should be provided between newly …
  • Government must not stop with recent carbon farming reforms …
  • South Island's inaugural Facial Eczema workshop a success …
    image of FE workshop in action
  • Beating bloat in orphan lambs …
    image of three lambs in green paddock
  • Consultation welcomed, but forestry concerns remain …
    trees on farm
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    … The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator is a free tool, designed to help farmers measure on-farm GHG emissions and sequestration. Once you’ve done your calculation you can then choose to complete our online action … access these – see below for info). … About B+LNZ’s GHG Calculator You can do a simple calculation using your existing farm area and stock numbers to get started with ‘emissions numbers’. You can also add further information to give you a more complete picture of your farm including sequestration. Knowing your numbers provides a good base of information and helps prepare you for future …
  • … popular Indonesian tourist destinations including Bali. Don’t allow visitors who have been on farms or in contact with farm animals while overseas in countries that have FMD onto your farm for at least a week after their arrival in New Zealand. Ensure stringent on-farm biosecurity protocols are in place and adhered to. All animal movement records and animal health declarations must be …
  • The Government’s emissions pricing consultation – update …
    native plantings on farm
  • … AgResearch Life Cycle Assessment Team • Forage Trials Willesden … Datamars Livestock Technology Award winner:   Silver Farm Farms/Lynker Net Carbon Zero Mapping Tool Finalists: • Bidr Ltd   • Cloud Yards Ltd  … Gallagher Innovative Farming …   Rural Leadership Trust Finalists: •  Growing Future Farmers   • Whangarei Agricultural and Pastoral Society Farm Intern Programme … FMG Rural Champion Award winner:   Surfing For Farmers Finalists: •   Shepherdess •  Greater …