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    Each staff member should have clear roles on farm that are documented. … Below are some resources to help with outlining roles on farm. Describe and Advertise a job  (PDF, 915KB) Individual Employment Agreements   (PDF, 814KB) Remuneration  (PDF, 873KB) Sheep, beef, deer career pathways (PDF, 112KB) DairyNZ provides more information on team management . … Roles on the …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working at heights. “Working at heights” is defined as any height from which a fall could occur. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Boots (or other slip resistant footwear if more appropriate) Equipment selected must be fit for purpose and in good working condition. Equipment that may be used to work at heights …
  • Preparing for flystrike this summer …
    image of sheep flock
  • Connection critical for rural communities after cyclone, says Beef + Lamb New Zealand …
    image of farmer in flood affected area
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    Agricultural compounds are chemicals – including veterinary medicines – used to improve the quantity and quality of produce and slow down the rate at which it spoils. … Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs) are used in the production of primary produce (farmed plants or animals), by home gardeners and for the health of domestic animals such as cats and dogs. The registration and levels of usage of chemicals in primary production is closely monitored by the Ministry for Primary …
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    Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis …
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    Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis …
  • Together with DairyNZ, B+LNZ is working to support NZ Young Farmers’ members to grow as leaders while promoting the food and fibre sector within high schools across New Zealand.  … By connecting young farmer clubs to local schools we aim to: To give students a better understanding of the food and fibre sector, the job opportunities and skills required.  To increase student and teacher confidence of the food and fibre sector and in the learning/training/transition pathways from school to …
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    Things that can affect FEC results … This topic is a bit of a minefield, and we can’t stress enough that faecal egg counts are a GUIDE to the number of worms inside animals. You must interpret them in light of all other information available! The TREND in FECs can often be as helpful as the absolute numbers. Repeat FEC monitoring of a mob of animals often gives better information than one count in isolation … I’ve got the FEC results – what do they mean?  The answer to this question usually …
  • Informing New Zealand Beef’s Progeny Test enters its third year …
    image of cow herd