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Displaying 581 - 590 results of 749
  • Unlocking the secrets of fat bottomed cows – and other burning questions …
    Angus cattle in Rangitaiki
  • B+LNZ welcomes consultation on amendments to stock exclusion regulations (low-slope map) …
    image of trees on farm
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    … system purchasing 1Y+ animals … Finishing system purchasing 100kg dairy beef weaners … Learn about how different farm systems and policies set up different levels of risk – both for worm challenge, and for drench resistance. We also … highlight some management ideas and risk mitigations. Good nutrition is #1  No matter what systems are in place on a farm, very good nutrition greatly reduces the risk of worms to stock. Conversely, farms where underfeeding is a feature, … below show you the risks, along with suggested mitigations, for worm challenge, and drench resistance in different farm systems. … Cattle farming systems and worms …
  • Clarifying updated Intensive Winter Grazing regulations …
    image of cow grazing in winter crops
  • Ginny Dodunski appointed manager of Wormwise programme …
    Ginny Dodunski
  • … the land and waterways of the Tūtaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū (TANK) catchments. The Plan will impact on your farm, so it is important that you have your say. … Overview The Hawkes Bay Regional Council are currently consulting on … quality and quantity outcomes and rules for managing land uses to achieve these outcomes. The Plan will impact on your farm so it is important you have your say. Why should you get involved? There are key areas within the proposed plan that … due 14 August 2020. Further submissions 3 September 2020. Public hearing end 2020/early 2021. Decision mid-2021. The planning process is well underway. Submissions close on 14 August 2020 and the public hearings are scheduled for late 2020 …
  • … helicrop and establish a crop or pasture with no tillage, it needs to be done correctly with a clearly defined process. Planning is key.  • It is recommended that a helicrop be established on flat or rolling topography (not on steep … less risk of soil loss. Benefit for farmers This project has provided insights from farmers using this technology on-farm and has determined key factors that need to be considered for the successful application of helicropping. B+LNZ … – “ Helicropping – the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in forage cropping with aerial no-tillage ”. Resources Maungahau Farm case study Webinar series: Fill that Gap Part 1 – Catch/Cover cropping . Fill that Gap Part 2 – Establishment from …
  • Taste Pure Nature boosts aspiration to buy New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb …
    Taste Pure Nature banner
  • Tailored B+LNZ Wormwise workshops driven by farmer feedback …
    image of workshop participants
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    … Contamination can be readily brought onto and spread around your farm by visitors, their vehicles or via equipment that has been used on other farms or at sale yards. … Recommended practices Keep the farm, yards and storage areas clean, tidy and free of vermin. Limit the unnecessary movement of people, pets and vehicles … areas where animals are kept. Minimise the number of entry points and restrict uncontrolled access to the rest of the farm. Define and, where appropriate, signpost ‘permitted access areas’ for farm visitors (e.g. veterinarians, livestock …