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Displaying 541 - 550 results of 749
  • Trial highlights importance of protecting critical source areas …
    Uncropped CSAs
  • Innovative farmer wellbeing assessment tool for hill country farmers launched …
    image of farmers at fence
  • Page
    … bovis from New Zealand. The outbreak of M. bovis and the phased eradication programme underscores the importance of on-farm biosecurity. This information resource aims to help you understand what the phased eradication programme means for your farm business, support you to review your general farm biosecurity, and provide relevant information about M. bovis . … … phased eradication has the highest chance of success. Web link – Weaned calves (Biosecurity New Zealand) If you are planning on buying, selling, and/or moving weaned calves to grazing, there are steps you can take to help protect your …
  • Video
    Winter Feeding Strategies to maximise lambing and calving results …
    Winter Feeding Strategies to maximise lambing and calving results
  • Podcast
    Derrick Moot: Lucerne and other dryland legumes …
  • Maximising pre-weaning lamb growth rates …
    image of two lambs
  • Optimising lamb pre-weaning growth rates on hill country …
  • … B+LNZ also provides a range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions. Access our Lambing Calculator, Sheep Calendar, Benchmarking Tool, Meat Export Tool, Meat …
  • … of deferred grazing, and establish criteria to help farmers identify when deferred grazing is appropriate in their farm system.  … This was achieved by comparing standard rotational grazing and deferred grazing in replicated plot … The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early autumn (depending on the farm) but was rotationally grazed after the deferred period for the remainder of the study.    Comparing the effect of … for more than a decade. These farmers could see benefits for both the deferred pastures and for the rest of the farm and wanted to quantify those benefits through a science-led project.  Key results Compared to standard rotational …
  • Bull nominations open for across-breed Beef Progeny Test …
    Image of farmers and bulls