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Displaying 501 - 510 results of 651
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    … Contamination can be readily brought onto and spread around your farm by visitors, their vehicles or via equipment that has been used on other farms or at sale yards. … Recommended practices Keep the farm, yards and storage areas clean, tidy and free of vermin. Limit the unnecessary movement of people, pets and vehicles … areas where animals are kept. Minimise the number of entry points and restrict uncontrolled access to the rest of the farm. Define and, where appropriate, signpost ‘permitted access areas’ for farm visitors (e.g. veterinarians, livestock …
  • … focused on future proofing the profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of New Zealand’s hill country farmers, their farm systems, the environment and rural communities. … Visit the Hill Country Futures website here This multi-year programme takes a trans-disciplinary approach to “landscapes” and considers the whole farm system and associated communities. The Hill Country Futures programme incorporates traditional science research, farmer knowledge, social research and citizen science. At an on-farm level, the programme focuses on practical options for future proofing hill country farming and includes a strong …
  • B+LNZ Board’s initial response to remits …
    image of annual meeting
  • Australian drought impact on NZ livestock markets …
    image of dry country road
  • Celebrating Rob Davison's 50th anniversary …
    Rob Davison
  • Keep an eye out for Beef + Lamb New Zealand Annual Meeting voting packs …
    image of mail box infront of farm
  • B+LNZ’s Generation Next programme – apply now! …
  • Strong farmer interest in emissions pricing options …
    image of landscape
  • … was released in April 2020.   The release of new national policies (national stock exclusion regulations, Freshwater Farm Plan regulations, National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management [NPSFM] and National Environmental Standards … version by ensuring that a permitted activity pathway is secured for extensive sheep and beef farms through minimum farm standards and farm plans.   The Plan requires those farming activities of a certain intensity to obtain resource consent, with farm
  • Preparing rams for mating …
    image of rams