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Displaying 461 - 464 results of 464
  • Farmlands is the largest buying group of its type in New Zealand, transacting more than 2.5 billion dollars' worth of business annually and is listed in the top 20 companies by turnover in New Zealand, has 70,000 Farmlands shareholders and 82 stores nationwide. … AgResearch is one of New Zealand’s seven Crown Research Institutes. We offer world-leading expertise, and are responsible for delivering innovative science and research outcomes specifically for the agricultural sector. … Rabobank New …
  • Award judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit supporting data. Please ensure to notify your nominee that you have put them forward for an award.  A follow up call will be made with all  nominated  entrants to validate and get …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is working to raise awareness of the issue of wholesale land use change from sheep and beef farming to carbon farming that is incentivised by the Government. … This page sets out our position and there’s a list of our media releases at the bottom. Our position is clear – we are not anti-forestry.  A lot of farmers are looking to integrate trees on farms and that’s a good thing. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and it’s good for the climate and the environment to plant some …
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    Freshwater ecosystem health includes a waterway’s aquatic life, physical habitat, water quality and water flow patterns. This helps determine the overall state of the freshwater system. There are a range of indicators of ecosystem health in a waterway which include stream life, water quality and habitat. … There are a range of methods for assessing ecosystem health and quality of waterways. It can be valuable to do some checking yourself as well as engage a specialist to help with these …