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Displaying 391 - 400 results of 476
  • … B+LNZ also provides a range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions. Access our Lambing Calculator, Sheep Calendar, Benchmarking Tool, Meat Export Tool, Meat …
  • Farmers warned to expect processing delays …
    meat processing
  • We partnered with the Federation of Maori Authorities' (FOMA) to launch the Performance Plus Mixed Livestock programme across 20 farms throughout the North Island; with funding support from B+LNZ, Te Puni Kokiri and the Ministry for Primary Industries. … About the programme The programme was born out of a seven-year economic development pilot carried out on the East Coast by the Tairawhiti Land Development Trust. Participating farms saw an average lift in productivity of 26%, despite the …
  • Celebrating the unrecognised custodians of the environment – Kiwi sheep and beef farmers …
    sheep feeding
  • Keep an eye out for Beef + Lamb New Zealand Annual Meeting voting packs …
    image of mail box infront of farm
  • The red meat sector is committed to playing our part in addressing climate change and has already made significant progress. Climate change is a particular focus for B+LNZ – we support our farmers on-farm, we work with leading climate scientists and we advocate for emissions reduction targets that are science-based and fair. … Climate …
  • B+LNZ CEO joins business delegation to US …
    image of Sam McIvor
  • Page
    … Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific …
  • … and pork. Materials – wool compared with cotton. Grains – soy, wheat and corn as crops for both human and animal feed. Farm inputs – phosphate, urea and crude oil as key inputs in fertiliser and fuel use. … International red meat …
  • Study identifies ewe wastage numbers …
    ewe lambs